Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 11:30 No.38736 del
>Portraying me as a non existent "woman beater
Were you lying when you said you hit her?
>And EVEN if she got beat up, it wasn't because of "haha i hate her".... no. I don't even hate gender.
All that "I didn't beat her" talk got bookended with "and there was a good reason I beat her. Spectacular.
>Seriously, how can you call *me* retarded if you don't understand the
... incoherent babbling of someone with the mind of a 5 year old? I'm not into childcare, so I haven't researched the best ways to interpret child logic.
>all of that spam is unhealthy
That's true actually. Unfortunately for you, adults can make their own choices and may prioritise entertainment over health.
>your little problem
I know this is juvenile, but it's too funny to not point out. You're the one with a "little problem" Jordan.
>I am not your boy
When did I say you are?
>I am not "stupid
You come back here every day to get angry, what part of that is not stupid?
>and I am most definitely NOT a fucking 'phile

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