Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 09:58 No.39178 del
>Can you move on from me please
Why are you here?
>Cause I don't do that, idiot.
>There are no victims
I'm talking to the man in the mirror...
>Maybe you should go outside
I have to, Jordan. I don't work from home. How about you?
>and not think of the internet every day.
Again, why are you here? Practice what you preach.
>It doesn't mean that every child is "me" by default though, does it?
No it does not, it means that your argument why you don't have a child's mind is retarded and your inability to learn that continually using this reason you "don't have a learning impairment" further proves that you do.
>and yes you're still creepy for
... agreeing with your mother, who knows better than you do. Is she creepy, Jordan?
>you cant just declare that without what, any proof
Proof for:

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