Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 19:44 No.142836 del
The purpose was the same as /bbver2/ (which was created by someone else, not me, and immediately abandoned) - to provide an alternative to /bb/ in case it died from all the shitposting/trolling/misinformation that has been happening here since the fall-winter of last year.
Now that the BO of /bb/ appointed a new volunteer (or several volunteers, perhaps), who unlike him are actually doing their job, it's been getting better, so I don't see why there would be a need to relocate anymore.
But I'll keep the claim to /BB/ for now, just in case, if you don't mind. And to avoid any confusion, I've never been the owner of /bb/ or /polru/, I was here before 2022, I used to be a volunteer on /polru/ after 2022 but then left in 2023, and I was the BO of three other boards one of which I deleted, one was claimed by another user, and the third I transferred to someone else (all happened in 2024).
faithfully yours, local schizo