08/20/2020 (Thu) 02:29:28
when mods and their jannies banned /bbg/ many of bonbibros moved to /ttg/, some didn't like it and was hostile and some didn't care but there was two posters that were determined to fight against bonbibros, these two protested and attacked bonbibros but their attacks were not effective, they tried many of their tricks to break and ruin bonbibros and to banish them from their territory.
the two /ttg/ posters schemed a perfect plan to attack bonbibros. it was a simple plan but to make it work they only had to repeat it every single /ttg/ thread. the plan goes like this, each was equipped with a word and each had to repeat them every thread and to defend the meaning of these words. one was equipped with "whore" and the other with "cuck". the "whoreposter" was to attract hate to bonbi and to defame and desecrate her image in the eyes of bonbibros. the "cuckposter" was to attack those who posts bonbi or defend her. this simple plan was repeated no matter what. some bonbibros ignored and some quarreled but the plan continued.
after the psyop seed was planted and after the blood of bonbibros was spilled to grow the tree we can see the shadow and effects of this psyop. bonbibros were seen repeating the same attacks against bonbi done by them, the psyop inserted the two posters (whore/cuckposters) into the bonbibro's mind and whenever he enters a thread he immediately shifts to a whoreposter and when a bonbibro reply's he shifts to a cuckposter.
many of psyop'ed bonbibros left but thats not the scary part of this psyop. if the psyop is completed the bonbibro is free of it tortures as long as he stays away from /ttg/ and /bbg/ threads. the scary part is when the psyop is installed to a bonbibro's brain but he can't stop poosting and visiting /bbg/, the psyop'ed bonbibro has locked himself into a habit of visiting /bbg/ and posting with bonbibros, now every time he opens a tab and wants to post he is triggred by this psyop to hate on bonbi and attacks everyone until he is tired to leave and repeat the next day. other bonbibros can succeed in momentary happiness and comfy threads but the lingering effects of the psyop is still haunting these threads.