09/03/2020 (Thu) 00:03:25
>>16209>I've mostly just been a spectator.same here
>Online friends are fruitless.Well, isn't the nonce an online friend too? Or was for a long time at least, if we believe he's moved to LA.
I agree that irl friends would be better though.
>Stacking shelvesShe's a cashier but ok
>she'll shift the blame on whoever is left with her. And that's Seth.You forgot someone: herself.
>I know you say she should take 'SOME' accountability, but can you specify?First of all, I don't actually care if she takes responsibility or not. She hasn't done anything wrong to me personally. There's nothing she did wrong that she should be punished for. She might want to apologize to the friends she threw under the bus. Lying to and trolling her fans I think can be blamed solely on the nonce. If she at some point realizes the predatory nature of the relationship and ends it, she might feel ashamed and not want to talk about it in public and I think that's fine.
>Do I need to be directly affected to have a reason to be concerned?If you're so concerned why does it constantly seem like making her take responsibility is more important to you than helping her? Your priorities seem a little off there.
>Wouldn't you actually go as far to say that it has all been downhill?It's hard to quantify but it's certainly been mostly downhill since the first twitch stream.
>Emiru was a catalyst
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