01/19/2021 (Tue) 13:56:29
Transhumanist Bonbibroism
it is the year 2410, AI has advanced expedentionally and virtual reality is more real than reality it self. everything in the real world has lost its natural state and has been altered many times to suite the needs of the trans human gods.
what happened to tik tok and bonbi bros? it still exist but it has afvanced into scary realms, now the average tik tok viewer spends his whole day plugged into a virtual machine watching top tier tik toks made not by humans but AI goddesses that are way better than real humans. the best AI tik toker is called "b0nb1 b0nkers 1.0" that is based on a past tik tokers that was very talented.
there is a club called /bbg/ which is a board in the virtual reality machine where anonymous bonbi bros hang out, they hang out there all day and the AI tik toker "b0nb1 b0nkers 1.0" keeps making tik toks for them, if a bonbi bro likes a certain cosplay or song he can request another one and the AI accepts, it is a very addictive place.
/bbg/ is not a very known place because of how much clubs and tik tokers are there and people have other interests than tik tok but bonbi bros are the most loyal of the tik tok underground. they are viewed as failures by the worker robots that work all day in a cubicle, bonbi bros don't gave a fuck... in fact they have fully removed themselves from the real world and now they live in /bbg/. they even sleep and wake up there, some boomer bonbi bros even died and had funerals in /bbg/.
im from the future and I'm on a mission to find old bonbibros and to bring them into the future, we know many about bonbi but there is a lot of missing information, especially from the begging of bonbibonkers to 2021, it will be an honor to meet an authentic bonbibro. many say that the true bonbi is better than b0nb1.