01/30/2021 (Sat) 02:33:48
I once had a dream were I was having an affair with that good looking older guy in the picture of her room, which in the dream was her brother. We were just casual, but one day he wanted to make things more serious and invited me to meet his family.
I was hesitant because I hadn't told him that I was browsing /bbg/, yet, and that I loved his sister more than him. I was also not sure about my homosexuality and was just using this relationship to test the waters. I feared that I might be sexually attracted to her and just going through a gay phase.
Fast forward to me meeting the family. Everything went over smoothly. Bonbi immediately picked up that I know her, but she kept quiet. After dinner, we found a moment to sit outside on a porch. Just the two of us. I told her that I love her, maybe even more than her brother. And to my relief I realized that I didn't want to fuck her and that I ready to take things more seriously with her brother. She laid herself besides me, put her head in my lap and we shared a nice moment while I ran my fingers through her hair.
Later, during the night I get up, because I was thirsty. I stumbled into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I see Dadbi there. We eye each other for a while, and then I fucked him violently on the kitchen floor. Then I woke up.