02/03/2021 (Wed) 15:09:34
>Wow, very shitty of you. You'd like to be my friend, yet you go and tell everyone how much of a bad person I am? Oh, and I'm toxic? Lmao, look at you. Y'know, I've thought about you, maybe I'd talk and we'd make up. I guess not. You want to change my ways? No, thanks. I'm fine with being myself. Hate the sin, love the sinner? I know what I did to you back then, of course, I know I should never bring up religion with people like you. I was under the influence of some bad YouTubers who made me think wrong. I still don't hate homosexuals, I'm alright with them, as long as they're alright with me. I'm still a Christian. I don't hate anyone, love thy neighbor. Anyways, I've changed quite a lot, but you wouldn't know, you won't even take a chance and talk to me about it like a normal human being. Instead, you post crap about me, you snake. Like I have said, I've changed a lot since that talk we've had. But, it seems like you still haven't changed a bit! Still the same dumbass tumblrtard I've always known. Oh, and BTW, I always knew you were Emily, everything you said about her was waaay too suspicious. I'm done with your illiterate ass! Why don't you just go back to supporting BLM and the deaths of police officers. Hmm? Seems like you would fit into that group of retarded liberals. Have a fantastic day, and remember to GFY!
Let's play a guessing game. Who's the author of this?