>>21561 How did you find this place? When did you check out?
Basically she didn't ditch Anon1725/Seth, lots of leaks show her covering for him. She left her dontcare fan server. Some dn's who were previously anti-seth wrote a 7 page defense of Seth and claimed they were broken up, and pissed everyone off. Then it turned out she was in another private server with some dn's from the fan one. People thought a new round of grooming was happening, but it turned out she wasn't active there and ended up leaving later.
All quiet and comfy as the Summer 2019 Renaissance began. A new age of now classic tiktoks from Bonbi, until late October 2019.
Following this, we were banned and integrated into /ttg/, which would be banned in April 2020. They/we then moved here temporarily, before moving to 2chen.org (now defunct) and now 2chen.moe