>>21725 You need Russian VPNs, but even 80-90% of Russian VPNs are banned in 2ch. In order for a foreigner to write in 2ch, you need to look for a non-banned Russian VPN on average in time from 10 to 25 minutes. This was done on purpose with 2ch so that foreigners would not have the opportunity to massively influence public opinion at 2ch.
But even if you find a proxy to write in 2ch, keep in mind that 2ch are the most evil and toxic anonymus on the Internet. Most of her fans are in /fag/ the thread with bonby, but besides them there are haters, these haters write insults and nasty things always and no matter how good the tick-tock is.. From 30% to 50% of words in 2ch slang distortions are not understandable even to a foreigner who knows Russian.
Most of those who want to draw attention to themselves create threads with sap in /b/, in other sections the thread can be deleted. If the person who created the thread for 2ch is interesting to the local audience, then he attracts a lot of attention, in this case the thread can fly to the bumlimit (500 posts) in 30-40 minutes. Then it is better to create a second thread (roll), or a third one if asked.