Anonymous 12/17/2021 (Fri) 15:44:27 No.28329 del
she had a stuffy nose and a super cute snort laugh through the whole stream
bonbi might need glasses
wanted to cosplay ahri but couldnt find the ears
jinx next week?
might do merch
wants to stream every 2 days
might do just chatting streams but doesnt know what she'd talk about
will appear on emirus stream next week to play some co-op horror game
will meet emiru on new years
thinks she has become a kinder person this year
bonbi has a bald friend who she bullies for being bald
sigma bon
thinks shes kind of mentally unstable
room is so messy bonbi cant properly walk in it
people who expect anything from her are just trolls
was starving herself to stay skinny before, is simply eating normally now

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