Anonymous 12/17/2021 (Fri) 15:47:30 No.28330 del

Brief Summary
>Cosplayed as Killjoy from Valorant
>Played Overwatch for 15min. Didnt do well
>Going to play a spooky night Friday night with Emiru, Taco, Hopper
>Spoke about not being a skinny child anymore
>Played Valorant for 2hrs
>PC problem, had to restart which split stream
>Played Outlast until game locked up
>Spoke about almost being kidnapped when young. Rednecks in a truck trying to pick up her, her friend and her friends little brother.
>Performed Rap she wrote for a friend when 14yo
>Played Valorant
>Emi and a few other joined chat near end

Super Brief Summary
>Cute girl ruined her PC by having too many Viktor fanfics open