03/15/2022 (Tue) 03:03:00
i'm gonna gonna spam the thread a bit.
i kind of hate this stream because you can't tell if bonbi is in genuine pain or if she means any of the shit she says.
constant talk of depression, being lonely, and now talk of wanting to run away from home. at some point it has to mean something right?
like i ran away too. i flew to another continent for 2 months.
i know the masks she puts on are a survival mechanism for the career path she's chosen, but still. the stream ending left me really concerned.
stopped looking at twitter because something on there made her cry
teen titans cosplays arrived
rewatching mlp, kinning with pinky pie
enjoyed the batman
patreon post wednesday?
bonbi stole her friends boyfriend at her friends 12th birthday party
feeling sad. gets panic attacks before, during and especially after streaming.
depressed even when playing with friends, nothing can fix it
wants to fly away but has nowhere to go and is not vaxxed.
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