Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 12:03 No.32372 del
Apologies friend,
>the gothic ones in november
You are right. But they didnt stop being friendly after this. And bonbi didnt start doing the realy spicier lewds until after AX.

>someone said she would have to flirt with guys (not fuck)
I know, we agree on this. But Bonbi misunderstood it to be fucking. And I think you cant even fuck on OF anymore.
My point was that it realy looked like she hardly knows what OF is.

Thank you.

Still inconsistencies, the timeline is still up in the air.
1.Emiru was there in November.
2.Bonbis lying
3.There was an non public trip between
2022-01-13 and 2022-01-22 only twitch gap.

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