11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:08
>>34648Bon the piggy was into her 5th can of peaches today, gobbling to her heart's content, this after 8 cans of pears and a dozen bananas, when a tingle started to run through her body, like as it were pricks and goosegobbles. the sensations quickly made their way down to her butt hole and in an instant a roll of brown dough started to pour out in the form of dry poop. The piggy had disgraced herself again as bonbi didn't even make it to the bathroom toilet, her panties filled with poop and recoiled and heaved to almost ripping. and rather though, the piggy liked the feel of her filled and messed poopy panties so much she lingered a few minutes with her legs squeezed together, to the enjoying of the messy squish. finally the stink of her filled panties was too much to bear and she cleaned them out in the bathroom. then she tended to clean her messy brown butt hole too. bon you are one lazy pig.