Anonymous 12/14/2022 (Wed) 00:39 No.35390 del
Low effort stream. Not terrible but dont go out of your way to watch.

Cosplayed as Red Panda Kotori
Stream started 23:02

23:05 Forgot to post one pic in her Patreon set
23:07 'I can hear myself talk and its annoying because I am an annoying person'
23:08 Matchuchu will be getting his hat but Bon is not happy with the design
23:09 'I have good nudes. Check out my Patreon'
23:11 Broke her bottle playing Valorant
23:15 Might collab with Emiru in the future (vague, just indicates not fallen out)
23:18 Being playing LoL but its expensive
23:19 Dreamt she streamed as Robin but had a period mid stream and had to change her underwear
23:21 Snatch
23:23 Might cosplay Wednesday. Also Mei.
23:25 Bon cut her Yuri wig to become Jiro wig
23:29 Has given up bleaching her armpits and butthole as she didn't ontice any difference

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