02/04/2023 (Sat) 17:22
>>36773today I decided to be as lazy as the lazy and useless poopy piggy bon. bonbibonkers you are a disgusting piggy: oink oink knaaa. oink! tkuuuu oink, knaa kna oink oiiiink tkkuu. tku poop.
*translated through the miraculous discovery yesterday of a "Piglet dictionary" and a hot "How To Speak and Learn Pig Pen"* (I will wager you sat on the toilet bowl and squealed like a pig when a roll of brown poop shot through your dirty and brown tainted butt hole. I bet it took a ton of toilet paper to clean the filthy brown poop that was smeared and hanging from your anus.) stay tuned for the story "Bonbi is A Lazy Pig" part 2 tomorrow.
bbbrrrrriiinnnggg. work's over everybody. let's all go, like the piggy will do, and lay down in front of our refrigerators all day. and pig out.