02/06/2023 (Mon) 18:22
>>36791the piglet bon was painting her pig pen today. after she finished the piglet got good and exhausted and she sat in her chair. but more like collapsed from piglet fatigue. then she the piggy had a thought, why don't I be a disgusting piggy, run across the street to the coffee shop, and buy three large belly buster dark roast coffees. and then come back to my computer desk, and watch some video games and listen to some piggy music. and pig out. but then all a sudden a version of hindu poop started to approach the piggy's rectum and with the power of thunder push against and through it. ohh! the piggy shouted as the poopy mess quickly started to bust through the piggy's anus, stretching it. it came so fast the piggy couldn't even make a decision as to what to do with it; whether running to the toilet to upheave it into or rather drop the pants by the desk and unload a fat one on the floor. Pppppppptttttt, the poop started to roll out of her butt hole, further dirtying it, and the poop splashed into her panties while she was sitting on her desk chair. Well, said the piggy bon, that decides that; and so the piggy contented herself to sitting there for several hours and enjoy the experience of mushed panty poop.