02/07/2023 (Tue) 00:19
2023.02.06 - hey there
OOC with Yor wig and Wedding veil
Stream started 23:11
23:15 Forgot to buy web cam so streaming from laptop
23:16 Went on Hiatus because she was not happy with the quality of her content and felt her room was too full
23:19 Mr Giraffe repaired
23:20 Unicorns returns
23:22 Ordered paint and brushes from Walmart but they let her down
23:24 Hated not cosplaying during hiatus
23:26 Eats crabs
23:27 Juliebou Joins
23:28 Shows key chains
23:34 On hiatus she worked out
23:36 Wants a tattoo so bad. Starts dancing to music chat cannot hear
23:57 The Ring vibes
00:00 Goes off camera. Reappears upside down Exorcist style
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