02/15/2023 (Wed) 22:44
2023.02.15 - eating a piza
OOC with pink wig
Stream started 20:51
20:53 Bought a new webcam but it didnt work and she got the old one working
20:58 Plays League
21:01 Bought two mangos but didn't like them. Might be because she tried to make a smoothie but didn't blend them enough
21:03 Most games are toxic, League is maybe the worst
21:18 She likes the filter on Instagram [Pillow Face]
21:21 Starts watching Youtube vid on setting mic level but doesn't finish it. She has been playing League every day.
21:25 She drunk ordered squishies last night. At least 50-60.
21:28 Broken mic sounds
21:34 Mic destroying moment
21:38 Has a new headset but doesn't want to use it until the old one breaks
21:40 Switches mic from webcam to headset. Problem solved.
21:46 Loves making Breakfast. Eats it as lunch.
21:51 Apparently receives some good news
21:54 - 22:10 Distracted by phone. Needs to brb but cant leave the game.
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