02/16/2023 (Thu) 02:42
>It was cold. A snowstorm had left me stranded with no sign of assistance or shelter anywhere. It felt like my skin was melting off my bones. Eventually, I lay down in acceptance of my seemingly inevitable fate. However, I saw a figure emerge from the snow, a woman that could be mistaken for an angel, but so much kinder than even the most heavenly of souls. She entered my vision, and I felt my body rise from its hypothermia to meet her eye level. Her amber eyes pierced my soul so deeply it felt as if she stabbed my soul. Her bright smile was whiter than the snow that fell around us, and the softness of her hand as it was placed on mine was unimaginable. She leaned in close and whispered into me, "It's okay now, you won't have to worry when I'm here~" Those words filled me with enough passion to burn down the largest civilizations, enough for a tear to run down my pale face as I hugged her firmly. There was no comfort like hers, and no love that anyone else could give that was as powerful as it, either.