02/16/2023 (Thu) 17:45
cant post in 1 post ok: PART 1
>>36502>>36503>>36582WOW i come back after 2 months for #HogWatch expecting the usual but instead of the 10000th post about bonbi from 5 years ago along with ones about a certain dead 12yo lasting regime... The rural retard chuds have now ascended to the highest stage of fascism and became Serpentza and Laomutt86 watchers. THE WEST HAS FALLEN, BONBI IS FALLEN, SHE IS NOW A FAT FASCIST ITS TIME TO POST THE 2018 BONBIWAFFEN AGAIN!!! Hmm what a whacky coincidence that bonbibonKKKers attracts this kind of audience, surely it cant be the constant enabling aka doing the Hitler mustache just 3 months ago on stream and mentioning it, giving attention to "bonbiwaffen"
after HAVING THE KNOWLEDGE that its basically a dumbass nazoid dogwhistle etcetc.
BUT ALAS even THIS is not enough, she has now decided to go full mask off and start harassing women with a full on "she knows what shes doing, she deserved to get raped" type argument towards Eugenia Cooney (start clip2).
"Shes fricked up and controversial", hmm very interesting this coming from YOU, she doesnt bait fascists and isnt fat? but okay lets hear it out
"Shes promoting it (being thin)", BY EXISITING!? and theres the literal rapist argument, BonbiBonkerSS has the nerve to say this after building a good 40% community off of 4chud nazis and being their LITERAL MASCOT after years of her constant enabling. 1/2