02/18/2023 (Sat) 13:54
>>37241>She used to call them her 'friend group' - probably. She is always vague about such things.Its true that she is always vague, but I think she meant other people.
None of the OFs went on bonbis friendship group trip. No photos of them there and they were posting instagram stories of themselves out and about during this time.
>>37243 Is right about her reaction.
She does this with all girl influencers that enter her chat. Decayance, Cristalrayne, Avivasophia.
She even adressed it in the 'I like cats' stream. She called it 'flirting with girls' and said she should tone it down.
>she definitely seems to stick close to June.Im not sure who June is. Isn't that the guy she arm wresteled in anya cosplay?
There is also the possibility she did call them her friend group but she was wrong about them.She has said she has unrealistic expectations of/about friendships on a stream, can't remember which.
That said I wouldnt mind if they were friends. They seem pretty nice and fun. She was had far worse 'friends' and being lonely is also not great.