03/04/2023 (Sat) 19:21
>>37800the lazy and useless piggy's supper this evening had enough calories in it to feed a whole army of field hogs. she went into the kitchen at 1 PM and finally left at 7 PM, burping and belching, and looking like a disgusting stuffed field hog with a shiny big fat belly bulging out from her pig gut to show for her piggy like efforts. what happened was she cooked 8 pounds of potatoes, three whole fried chickens, nine small steaks, six pork chops, three summer style sausages, and a half a crate of apples, nineteen oranges, some egg potato salad, three bowls of noodles, a bag of six kiwis, five bundles of black and red grapes, some moonshine lambasted french toast, and two green lettuce and spinach omelets. what a pig.
next the piggy bon went into the toilet and deposited a brown roll of poop; let's just say instead of walking she rolled her fat and disgusting new self to the toilet, since walking in such a lardy waddle could in this case be hardly classified as walking. she had just finished wiping her disgusting poop smeared butt hole with enough toilet paper to smother a elephant when uh noo! the piggy squealed her displeasure as a river of diarrhea came spilling out of her anus. the piggy spent a good three hours spewing out her amazon sized river spray into the toilet and squeezing her short legs against the sides of the toilet bowl.