03/05/2023 (Sun) 18:19
>>37838actually the piggy today wanted to create a inter dimensional wormhole from her piggy poop. as people are aware a wormhole is a time machine, a time device and mechanism, which makes time travel possible, even for a dumb piglet. and the piglet's plan was to dump a load of poop on her floor in a brown pile,
and then wait. wait for the magnetic and cosmic astrodynamic waves, the building blocks of a time mechanism to form around her poo. the piggy bristles to return back to a simpler time, say, a hundred years ago where piglets could run and roam free in the fields and city streets and towns and villages and drop brown poopy dumps behind every bush and tree,
and dwelling. pooping was free and open, lovely and beautiful, memorable, a piggy could march wherever she wants and squat and remove her piggy pants and open her anus. and let drop trouble free multiple brown dumps of poo. some like the piggy think that every few feet, or maybe ten, why shouldn't everyone act like a piglet and freely drop brown poops dumps, for whoever might be looking, or there were for crowds of people walking about, it shouldn't matter. as long as free poopy dumps in the open air be the rule of the land.
everything else would follow good. after yelling in her bedroom and taking a brown dump on the floor the piggy was upset, as for ten, twenty and thirty minutes later nothing happened to her pile of smelly brown poop load. the piggy looked intently and still there was no result, no wormhole, but a pile of brown piggy poop.the piggy then cursed, and in a piggy rage she grabbed her pile of piggy poo and marched it to the bathroom to throw it into the toilet.