03/21/2023 (Tue) 22:12
2023.03.21 - just chatting actually
Cosplayed as OOC, own hair (dyed red)
Stream Started 18:23 (times are from start of stream)
00:03 Things will be changing
00:04 Will be moving at some point. Probably will not be cosplaying but will try to stream
00:06 Cannot cosplay because she has no room. Not be moving to Britain
00:07 Will still Cosplay Anala, Mabel and one other.
00:08 Stormy and Jasper (burbs) have been re-homed to a really good family, two elderly people.
00:12 Once she moves out content will be more and better
00:13 Thinking of rotating cosplays. eg do Pidge, Miku, Rin, Power (?) each times 2 then rotated out for other to be rotated in
00:15 Does not know what timezone she will be in. Found a house she really wanted to buy but cannot get a mortgage. 'Trying to find somebody who will accept her'
00:16 Cannot cosign with her parents because... things
00:17 House is full because she has siblings. She already has a storage unit. She has figures, plushies, cosplays and clothes. Claims not to be a hoarder.
00:19 Tried a yard sale but only three people showed up.
00:20 Used to do lemonaid stands including one in her house. Her Mom walked past 20 times.
00:20 She cant talk but she might have got a job doing something she might have to lose a lot of weight for.
00:21 She bought a treadmill but she has no room for it.
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