11/24/2023 (Fri) 04:47
>>44468I realize there’s still a lot of controversy over the whole grooming/pedo discussion. In fact, my attempted deep dive into the topic was the very thing which made me aware of this site is the in the first place.
In one of my searches, I found an informative series of posts uploaded to this site in December of 2019. The writer was someone who seemed deeply knowledgeable about the subject. They were likely in the thick of things as they happened, because the narrative and timeline is fairly minute and detailed.
It’s an interesting read, to say the least. My main takeaway though is that Bonbi was much more complicit and involved than she’s letting on. In fact, she didn’t come away smelling like roses. At all.
Although I have no way of verifying the accuracy of the posted info, I’m going to assume the information is legitimate until I'm shown otherwise.
The link is if anyone is interested.