02/16/2024 (Fri) 18:44
>>45345She has a victim mentality among others, pretty much every stream has a long segment of her talking about how she was sexualized, bullied, groomed, or how her friends were mean to her and she isn't friends with them anymore, or how she has fat genes despite her entire family being thin/athletic.
She rarely, if ever, takes the blame for anything that happens to her and will lie out of her teeth to exaggerate how much of a victim she was.
The anonce saga should affirm how far she's willing to go just to seem like everyone is against her.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think she has ever apologized to her fans for trying to warn her of anonce being a literal pedo trying to groom her, all of whom she lied to and told to get fucked.
>But she always overreacted only to trolls, shitposters and considered the entire community to be shit.She turns everything into a personal attack, everyone is a troll and shitposter in her eyes.
Reminder that her fans were on their knees begging of her not to sexualize herself so she did the Belle Delphine cosplay as a fuck you to the haters.