02/17/2024 (Sat) 01:44
goddammit bonbiposter...
>>44616also can a single one of these bonbis fascist Australoid monkey fans once in their life resist the temptation just to LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE BLURT out a pic of Aboriginals every single time but dont worry they have owned "da dumb BlaX" for the 10000th time, these are their standards. The global RethugliKKKan dirtbag right which BonbiBonKKKerSS has attracted as her fans through malicious even intentional faults of her own, is nothing more than a barbarous multiracial christofascist white saviourism cult, hellbent on replacing western democracy (with a global south reaKKKtionary system) civil rights & POGMAIP/PoCs womens right to access reproductive healthcare&abortion. The AmeriKKKan and AuSStralian colonies drew its identity from its slave society which revolved around nothing more than the propagation of infinite forms of afrikan and indginX life yet somehow, chuds despite their own logic, think this constitutes a desirable society worthy of emulation. "IM OKAY WITH A MULTIRACIAL SOCIETY AS LONG AS WHITE ADJACENT MALES GET TO LORD OVER BLAX AND WOMYN" really is what sums it up as Bonbi acts as their internet cheerleader mascot from the sides and sees herself as apart of the team, LatinX incorporates into whiteness.
At the heart of these online nazi groups like bonbi and her waffen whateverthefuck fanbase is the idea that white people have gone "too far" with regards to our social/technological endeavours AND to them, PoCs represent a more archaic past to which they wish to return (see: Appropriation of Japanese culture in almost majority of her cosplays, fans have ANIME PFPs and watch it, obsessing over reactionary shows such a South Park, the typical stuff etc...). Im afraid your based colorblind christofascist "we are all one under orange man and yeshua Christ" brownshirts arent gonna make it, race is everywhere and its especially here CrT to call out your white saviourism and pathological whiteness. Progressive Democrats and Communists are in control and WILL be for the next 10 centuries, losers in 1865 losers in 1945 losers in 2020. #StopLatinXFascism #WhitenessBGone! #BQnbiBonKKKerSSIsAFascist