Anonymous 09/29/2024 (Sun) 21:16 No.48490 del
>When his viewers left, hers dwindled at the same rate so she went looking for someone else's to leech of off
This is false. I used to watch Emirus streams around the time she broke with Dryfus until shortly before she joined OTK. Her numbers were not declining.

>Another lore tidbit of note is that before emiru got invited to otk she had intended to make sexual content together with bonbi since her own career as a twitch streamer was failing.
This is total fantasy. The kinda you clean up with a towel afterwards. Emiru hated that people accused her of having any control over Bon and she certainly had no plans to go the porn route. And again, her Twitch career was not failing.

Oh wow, what a bunch of seething jealous virgins. The best I can say for them is they make BBG look good.