03/26/2020 (Thu) 05:11:36
God I want to play Overwatch with bonbi, this is how I imagine it going
>Hi cheesehead!
<Hehe hi
>Let's go qp classic yes?
*enter queue*
>I'm actually super nervous
<Haha no don't be! I won't bite
>Heh I just admire your content a lot
<Aw thank you so much!
>You know I get very into some things or people, it's an autistic trait
>And you're one of my so called "special interests"
<Oh I know someone with autism!
>Well I don't exactly have *autism*, I have Asperger's Syndrome which is autism without an intellectual disability
<I did not know that, that's cool
*enter game*
>Who's gonna pick Mercy the fastest hmmm!
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