Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 07:24:00 No.9735 del
oh boy you done it now. bonbibonkers has the deepest lore, so be prepared for a whole lot of "he said, she said".

generally agreed upon course of events:

>bonbibonkers is a 15 year old (at the time) socially isolated and lonely girl who does cosplay tik toks of a superlative quality
>19 year old neet (at the time) living with his mom in kansas sees this girl online and decides he must have her
>will be referred to as the nonce below
>creates a discord server with the intention of getting close to her
>this server gets popular and a social cliche centered around bonbibonkers is formed - loads of discordnigger drama worthy of any high school abounds as you might expect
>the nonce cotinues towards his goal of getting with bonbibonkers, manipulating and grooming her with the express goal of eventually starting an irl relationship
>bonbibonkers is still a socially awkward and inexperienced teenage girl suddenly thrust into internet fame and predictably proceeds to flounder
>people dig up dirt on the nonce and he is revealed as a literal peodophile
>outrage in the community around bonbi, but it's the nonce and other yes men whispering in her ear vs. a bunch of internet randoms.
>bonbi first publically announces that the nonce is out in the cold and even shares some of the depraved shit he's done to manipulate her
>then she takes it back
>things die down a bit, some people figure that the nonce is out and not in contact with bonbin anymore

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