11/10/2019 (Sun) 15:29:16
>>985I wouldn't say that I don't care at all, since I actually worry about Bonbi's well-being for whatever reason.
But the drama in the threads is mostly based on unreliable 3rd-hand information (an emotionally charged Bonbi says something in private, that person then leaks it to the public when mad at Bonbi & Seth), selectively leaked dms from Bonbi, and a variety of circumstantial evidence. People then create basically fanfic and hyperbole from that.
On top of that, it's mostly just regurgitating the same talking points, discussing the same issues, etc. It's all just going nowhere.
So, I would say I care about "drama" in the sense that I would like to know more about Bonbi's situation, her mental state, her past, etc. even if it's really none of my business. It's just that the drama stuff in the threads is closer to the gossip sites of a trashy English newspaper.