Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:58:09 No.10103 del
On June 3, 2022, Gregg Phillips interviwed on X22's Patriot Game broadcast. It is a two hour interview, well worth the time to watch, and at 41:56 he reveals that the data dump being made publicly WW in July will be everything that the 2020 election investigation has discovered, both domestically and internationally.

They are calling it "Rip Cord", and as you can imagine, there are many individuals and groups who don't want this to happen.

True to form, the criminals are laying out their game plan to shut this shit down! Right Fucking now!

Reveal News dot org published this hit piece: She Helped Create the Big Lie. Records Suggest She Turned It Into a Big Grift.
by Cassandra Jaramillo June 8, 2022

"Over the last two presidential election cycles, True the Vote has raised millions in donations with claims that it discovered tide-turning voter fraud. It’s promised to release its evidence. It never has.

Instead, the Texas-based nonprofit organization has engaged in a series of questionable transactions that sent more than $1 million combined to its founder, a longtime board member romantically linked to the founder and the group’s general counsel, an investigation by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has found."

In their opening statement, it is clear the criminals are going to go after her financially and will be spreading rumors to paint her as the slut that they are, "its founder, a longtime board member romantically linked to the founder". It is not too hard to see they are clearly suggesting an affair going on between Catherine and Gregg Phillips.

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