Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:48:20 No.5659 del
Movies That Help You Better Understand About The Battle Between Dark vs Light On Earth
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If you want to understand what is going on on the Earth, the battle between the “dark” vs “light”, the “good” vs “evil”, then you should watch 2 movies:
– The Taoism Grandmaster.
– Journey To The West.

The battle between “dark” vs “light” will always occur in life, it is just matter of the “quantity”.
Of course there are also super devices and portal that can help you to transfer to any world you want to live in as well. But once you use those kind of “tool”, you will never able to return the current Earth planet because it is one way street.

Life on Earth always exist and many super beings/gods/deities also are living you the mortal humans as well.
You will never know the person/animal you are talking/dealing with are “normal” or some super beings unless you evolve and have develop the god sense of feeling.

But all of them are just the “challenge/test” in your life to help you remember who you really are and what is the purpose of living, of existing.

When you able to escape the circle of life and death, you will understand the purpose of “light” and “dark” in existing.
Since I have evolve to the Nirvana State and know everything, I can reveal to you that, they are neither “bad” nor “good”.

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