Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:48:34 No.5801 del

>Looks like the pedo is going to try and bury it.
According to online court records, the case was dismissed without prejudice, meaning prosecutors can still refilethe charges. When questioned Friday about the effort to locate the old records, a spokesperson for Leavitt’s office said he was traveling and could not immediately provide answers.

During his news conference, Leavitt said he discussed the case with David Sturgill, the prosecutor who was assigned to the case 10 years ago and still works in the Utah County Attorney’s Office.

“He told me they dismissed it because the evidence was so outlandish,” Leavitt said.

But Leavitt’s statements about the dismissal don’t quite line up with what attorneys said in court.

“The allegations are some of the worst allegations of sexual abuse that I’ve come across in the many years that I’ve been prosecuting these types of cases,” Sturgill said during a hearing in May 2013.

During that same hearing, the defense attorney representing the man charged also discussed the seriousness of the case and the need for a thorough investigation.

“If Mr. […] is convicted of these charges, he will never see the light of day,” said Michael Esplin. “I mean, these are – he’ll be there for the rest of his life in prison.”

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