07/10/2021 (Sat) 18:56
>”Shhshh, you’re alright! Lemme get that.” Taking the vase into her hands she laid it gently at the center of the table before taking her seat again, beckoning the nandroid to follow. “You weren’t home first so we decided to just order, means food’ll be here when the rest get home and then Mom and Dad can leave- easy!”
>”O-Oh! That is very nice, good to hear, now-”
>Dogpiled again, by the boys this time, Franny was almost tossed from her seat
>Righting herself just barely the two thrust the little doll right into her hands
>It was her own mirror image save for the simple stitched-blue eyes and the blatant lack of a mess smeared across her
>She was a perfect little icon of herself, her hair lick even standing up more atop hair that was brighter, cleaner, *younger*
>”Thank you boys… thank you very much,” she sniffed. “This was very nice.”
>Staring into the doll’s eyes a few seconds more the four were interrupted again by the swing of the front door, the last four Flaggs shuffling inside
>”Heya family,” their father called, the twins rushing to greet them
>”You go get cleaned up Fran, I’ll handle it!”
>Hefting the vase up and slipping the tickets from the nandroid’s purse she left Franny to stare at the little doll before her
>Sighing she slid away to the basement, nestling the kind eyes and swooshed hair onto the shelf in her little charging nook
>Slipping out of her dirtied uniform she folded it neatly into a corner of her narrow closet, turning around to eye her old, backup uniform
>”...Baby blue,” she groaned, the old thing staring back at her. “Well, the girls will understand!”