10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:04:59
>>243my whitey habibi
IQ is irrelevant.
Intelligence is much more related to environmental factors. Studies looking for genetic links to intelligence have largely failed. The closest they've come is a very weak statement, like "These 5 genes (at once) are associated with +2 IQ points". i.e IQ is a myth, it does not measure intelligence
There's no such a thing as a genetically inferior "Race", race is a sociological classification. race is a societal construct, not a biological one. There are culturally inferior races but not genetically inferior races.
The idea that intelligence is MAINLY related to genetics is pseudoscienctific
>but anon, phenotype is not sociology.Grouping based on a culture's traditional interpretation of phenotype is sociological.
watch this to get a better insight into what I am talking about my argument goes:
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