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Pengungsian Awanama

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/spg/ Shitposting General Kominfo adalah badut pelawak 08/04/2022 (Thu) 13:44:13 [Preview] No. 13325
Utas ini khusus untuk para shitposter,
memer, joker dan timpa teks

Awanama 08/04/2022 (Thu) 14:11:06 [Preview] No.13326 del
dark jokes and memes are allowed, Spoiler tag is required!

Awanama 08/04/2022 (Thu) 23:12:23 [Preview] No.13330 del
post 3 cok

Awanama 08/05/2022 (Fri) 00:54:26 [Preview] No.13331 del

Awanama 08/05/2022 (Fri) 05:20:35 [Preview] No.13332 del
Ketika samsung dan apple gak ngasih charger

Awanama 08/05/2022 (Fri) 09:32:40 [Preview] No.13335 del

Sultan 08/06/2022 (Sat) 11:50:49 [Preview] No.13338 del
Nyesel beli nothing phone, Main gta san andreas sering force close pula ckckck

Awanama 08/09/2022 (Tue) 23:24 [Preview] No.13349 del
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