Astrology EnergyGod, BeyondGod & WiseGod 09/09/2022 (Fri) 06:24 No.1347 del
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There is influence of stars/planets/moons/constellations on humans of Earth? Maybe. Maybe it is real influence.
Stars working as neurons in a brain? Maybe. Galaxies working as neurons in a brain (as if the universe is just a giant brain)? Maybe.

Some humans use astrology as method to scam people using ambiguous meaningless messages.
Maybe the whole concept of astrology is just trolling and nothing else. After all, 'trol' is part of astrology.

Signs of the zodiac:
♈︎ ♈️
♉︎ ♉️
♊︎ ♊️
♋︎ ♋️
♌︎ ♌️
♍︎ ♍️
♎︎ ♎️
♏︎ ♏️

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