Karma JusticeGod* 03/27/2024 (Wed) 02:04 No.2308 del

Some people believe that there is some kind of cosmic justice system called karma that regulates the fair fate of each individual.

Karma police: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1uYWYWPc9HU [Embed]

justice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/135/justice
system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system

*More names: RulerGod ControlOfAll/ControlGod MysticGod/MysticalGod SystemGod GoodGod WiseGod ConsciousGod HarmonyGod InfluencerGod PowerGod ServerGod MachineGod ProgrammingGod UnderstandGod GodOfAll SecureGod/SecurityGod BeingGod