Naughty CoreGod & GoodGod 07/03/2024 (Wed) 05:58 No.2532 del
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>Perhaps they meant to imply naughty
Maybe 'evil' is used in this context of porn as a synonym of naughty, totally possible. That website ( is not specially/intentionally evil in terms of morality.

>what's wrong in being a bit naughty and enjoy yourself?!
I don't think that being naughty is intrinsically evil, it depends on the moral context in what it is applied.

>But evil implies they're just wanna fuck you up, they wish the worst to you.
>What were they thinking?
I don't think that they think too much about it in terms of a serious morality. We called them mediocre beings (as well as many other humans) because their morality is incomplete or/and incoherent.