Baby morality GoodGod & WiseGod 12/17/2021 (Fri) 11:26:41 No.860 del
(441.36 KB 1920x1200 Baby Jesus - Christmas.jpg)

Most adult humans are babies in terms of morality, they use mostly a survival/basic morality. There are a lot of reasons behind this:
- Human adults don't have enough energy, time and level of consciousness to do a proper job in terms of morality in their normal life.
- A lot of moral decisions require time of thinking/meditation/reasoning; often some moral dilemmas require studying it at least for several days.
- And of course, there isn't a proper moral education in school and high school; there isn't a formal/written/clear morality accepted by the majority of humans (not even close).
- Politics don't foment morality, basically they are corrupt.

The human collective (mediocre beings) have to evolve a lot to be moral/ethic enough to be considerate a good beings collective (or maybe a miracle can happen) in a world full of toxic behaviour (hellish places).

In this thread, we are doing our job to show our recommended behaviour, and an effort to create a acceptable moral theory.


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