Endwall 08/16/2020 (Sun) 00:55:13 No.226 del
Amethyst: 8-Bit Home Computer, Powered By An AVR Microcontroller
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6GKgxBEGH1M [Embed]
Matt Sarnoff 53,527 views •Dec 26, 2019
"An ATmega1284-based computer with color video, sound, built-in mechanical keyboard, and Forth interpreter in ROM. This is the first in a series of videos I'll be uploading about this project. It gives a high-level overview of the project and demonstrates its capabilities. Video captured from a RetroTINK 2x upscaler:
The Mandelbrot renderer was based on this Apple II BASIC code snippet:
Source code and schematics are on GitHub, but as of 1/7/20 there isn't much in the way of documentation or instructions. https://github.com/74hc595/Amethyst
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/txsector"