Endwall 06/01/2018 (Fri) 00:19:10 No.49 del
Zilog Z80 Homebrew
Dr. Scott M. Baker
Building a Zeta 2 Single Board Computer
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wos_AmfgrrU [Embed] [Embed]
Z80 Retrocomputing 16 - UNIX on RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1WG8zopGzaA [Embed] [Embed]
Z80 Retrocomputing 18 - Z180 CPU board for RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D9u9hhNjcEY [Embed] [Embed]
Dr. Scott M. Baker
In this video, I build and try out a Z180 CPU board to replace the Z80 CPU in my RC2014 retrocomputer. Aside from simply being faster than the Z80 that I'm currently using, the Z180 offers a lot of on-board peripherals (serial IO, timers, interrupt controller, mmu, dma, etc). I benchmark the 20 Mhz Z180 against my 7.3728 Mhz Z80. I'm saving exploration of the onboard peripherals for a future video. For more retrocomputing projects, see http://www.smbaker.com/

YM2149/ AY-3-8910 Sound Card for the RC2014 computer
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-iLwi9FagFE [Embed] [Embed]

rc2014-ym2149 Designed by Ed Brindley
Demonstration of my sound card for the RC2014 computer. The board is Open Hardware and was produced entirely with Open Source Software (as was this video) PCB now available on Tindie:

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