Anonymous 06/25/2017 (Sun) 23:06:18 No. 1212 del
I would say that the Jews don't grasp Greek Metaphysics and had mixed it with other cults. Someone's been posting a lot in /pol/'s webm thread recently that shares some info as to what the kabbalah teaches. There's a brief introduction as to what Jewish mysticism is about on Wikipedia

I had studied philosophy and 99.9% of it is no better than religion. I know enough to categorize "Christianity" into four groups: Radical Christianity, Christianism, Christology, and Churchianity. Radical Christianity is true Christianity. Christianism (not the same as the Christianism mentioned in Wikipedia) is whatever Christians say that is true Christianity, are secondary to the primary sources so there's bound to be errors and lies from the devil. Christology is an academic/secular attempt to explain the other three but those that study Christology aren't necessarily Christians and so are bound to misinterpret the bible. Churchianity/Cultural Christianity/Christendom is all the junk stuff nobody cares about of which unfortunately many self proclaimed Christians are doomed to deal with because it also infects Christology and Christianism. Radical Christianity is purely outside of Churchianity.

I can tell you that most Christians don't understand the difference between the various Greek mystery schools. Paul basically said to the Colossians in chapter 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." However, that isn't to say there isn't any "philosophy" of Christianity. The bible is full of such confusing examples. There's a form of Christian Rationalism that tries to explain stuff like the Trinity without making statements that contradict the bible. Modal trinity and Dynamic trinity concepts are considered heretical. [Embed] Also, the very crux of Radical Christianity rests upon the belief that there isn't a grand unified field theory and if there were, it will never be knowable. The nonheretodox/"orthodox" (not referring to the Orthodox Christian Churches) form of the Christian Trinity is the "proof" against all forms of vain philosophy of man (from the perspective of Christians). Pythagorean, Platonic, and Neoplatonic philosophy is Greek Monism and again, the Jews don't grasp it, Paul never spoken against them, but there's some similarities here and there between them, but ultimately they're grouped with "philosophy and vain deceit". The "biblical" form of the Christian Trinity is not explicitly described systematically in the bible, but rather described in bits and pieces here and there in the bible. Trying to form a systematic understanding of the bible for one self by themselves is a part of Radical Christianity. Relying on the words of other Christians as to what they claim to be what's in the bible is Christianism, especially if it's not justified in the primary source text. Relying on any external non Christian sources is Christology. Churchianity is part Christianism and Christology mixed with bullshit that gets you to pay up the most money in a false, unbiblical form of charity, reducing church service into a show in front of a live audience and superficiality. (cont)