Bill Cooper Mystery Babylon Hour of the time Anonymous 05/05/2018 (Sat) 07:46:10 No.1793 del
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Bill cooper really is under-rated when it comes to people like art bell and alex jones.He always got back to the point of it all. I heard the other day a show he did in 2000 where he was getting angry that the news was lying about how a plane was missing he said there will be a lot more plane incidents and it was so obvious. He knew about 9/11 and he knew about the school shootings beforehand.

milton made the elite so mad they killed him. Yes he was murdered and alex jones said (and I am paraphrasing here)he was "a drunk lunatic who kept harrasing me after I let him on my show a couple of times" after he was murdered. Alex jones is profiting off of what would have been bill coopers take on the world. They had officers on the roof of his home who hit him with bullets fatally. How could it have been like the mike brown situation when he was being shot at so much a cop on the roof of his house shot him? He had meticulously broadcasted things that I even speculate and do not triple fact check. He was the american man when you hear him talk to listeners it reminds you of the good old days that may have really existed. When he talks about how people are afraid and uninformed and his rage at talking to a sleeping world he richeously coined the term sheeple. He was also apparently part of naval intelligence because he was a demolay and checked freemason in clubs on a military application. Recently Q had dropped hints of bill cooper being part of the great awakening movement within the intelligence community. He had CAjI the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence. He had people infiltrate lodges and even had a 3 hour interview with a 32nd degree mason who confirms masonic guillotine depopulation plans by freemasons. I feel obligated to go back and listen to him every now and then and what he was was a man in control in a crazy world. This thread is to post good clips and anything Hour of the time related.