Anonymous 07/08/2018 (Sun) 00:07:20 No.2096 del
I may be wildly off but didn't Bill with his Project redlight tapes along with the lectures/luxor hotel/Deely plaza videos... - Didn't he create the genre of conspiracy documentary? True alternative media long form expose's on specific conspiracies like who killed JFK and area51(he claimed to have introduced the public with the location and lore of area 51).
I can't think of anything aside from the patterson Bigfoot footage walking in the woods of anything before that. By the way he kind of with his basically pirate short wave radio program and his videos and series. I believe he changed the rhetoric of conspiracy completely by initially the ufo nonsense. Ufos and aleins are one of the largest psyops done to the public. He established credibility in that field and single-handedly proved how it is a deception. Did Bill Cooper create the format of conspiracy videos? Well he made it so that cable-TV at the time and the controlled opposition step up from their usual servings of Elvis faking his death, Bigfoot, and of course aliens. Isn't is convenient how Bigfoot and Elvis and extra-terrestrials have absolutely no impact on anything in real life? He changed to tone and beyond that I believe with the masonic expose's it lit up something in the heart of the nation. We then saw the "satanic panic" of the early 90's. Interesting that the "satanic panic" followed after his mystery Babylon series. Almost as if people where throwing themselves at being suicided to go on daytime tv and beg for people to understand that their kids where being taken to rituals and abused by luciferians. The blue house case in Evansville Indiana sparked David Carrico to publish the Egyptian satanic masonic connection.
The "satanic panic" was basically pizzagate but with hundreds of children and distraught families supporting the children who did not know each other claiming all over the world that they where being sra'd .basically they called it fake news with the false memory syndrome and by calling it a hysteria. They stopped it and shut it down when the consensus began to come out that it was freemasons and "secret societies like the oto" and though they where forced to blame their masonic abuse on things set out for them to blame like michael aquino - through tremendous shilling they insisted it was masonic covert satanism and thus it was no longer a satanic panic but the victims where simply having false memories" the fake news'' of the 90' the 90's soccer moms where going public supporting their childrens testimony and many families where suicided by "satanists". A lot of people a lot of dirty masonic law enforcement people have blood on their hands since then trying to steward the conspiracy narrative. A lot of "normal" people too like jim and every mason personally would insist in things like how the cult they are in is not alive anymore as a secret society that its historically known as. Lying to your face about that shit and acting like talking about aliens is like riding a ferris wheel. Bigfoot is fun to discredit controlled violence without repercussion. So then when youtube emerged we saw the symbolism videos and the Illuminati. Thats when alex jones comes in and mentions masonry lesser and lesser but implying it (not specifically) with words like "globalists" "banksters" and "deep state". It doesnt end there oh no have you has anyone seen any kind of thread about organized satanism on 8chan in the last year or so? How many fucking times do these freemasons have to insist its the fucking kikes like I am gonna have to respect the kikes as if its like some fucking praise kek nonsense? I have to praise kike and call everyone a kike and only focus on kikes as masons are fucking acting like snowglobe shakers and hidden hand circle jerks?? Because of that specifically because of the moderate in frequency occurences of freemasons blaming jewish people on anything at all I can never respect the kike theory. I am not a retard I do not let kikes in media in anything tell me anything just like I can not afford to do the same with