Anonymous 10/08/2018 (Mon) 17:42:09 No.2687 del
If true metaphysical ontology isn't something that interests you, yet if you keep on obsessing to reinterpret it in terms of the kosmos aisthetos, you will never grasp the kosmos noetos, nor would you ever understand higher principles. Top down logic isn't bottom up "logic". Using anagogical means to convey something beyond the physical from the physical does not help those that have never ever understood retroduction/via negativa methodology for they then make the error in conflating the physical as means for the non physical which is a sign of an ignorant mind that doesn't grasp that which is of noble ideas. The very decay of society is due in part of the people failing to understand the means to come to the truth itself without using the inductive nor deductive methodology that the physical brain/"mind" thinks by default. The noetic understanding of the noble truths are not done by mere memorization and regurgitation. These things are a "mystery" to many, for many never learned how to learn, let alone, sought to find for themselves the truth since all that they care about are immediate concerns with their physical existence demands of them, like a gluttonous buffoon looking for food, can only think of in terms of looking for food, misinterprets what other people say about things into some tangent about food while ignoring anything else that isn't food, so lives out its life for the sole purpose of eating more food.