Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 02:29:58 No.3546 del
>hebrew calendar
>works based salvation
You're literally no better than people who believes in rituals and karma as the only purpose to life, and "they" seem to get away with doing lots of evil so do you think "you" would be better than evil because you're innocent? Innocence and evil both are ignorant of the root cause of their own suffering and so they will never escape it as long as they don't seek beyond that. Beliefs don't save too, while "faith" in having a relationship with someone you haven't personally met or had deluded yourself to thinking that you have is fundamentally is still "faith", well guess what, it takes "work" to "believe" in something so utterly stupid as works based salvation, so all of those that hate non Anglican Reformed and/or Baptist Christianity for not "believing" in "works" fundamentally don't grasp that they actually do "believe" that the "work" to accept the "faith" is really the "work" of the saved and that continued "work" in the "faith" is the assurance of that initial "work" that the holy spirit moves in the heart and soul of the individuals while also keeping in mind that assurance of faith expressed through the work is nothing to be boasted about. To "keep" the faith, one is encouraged to delude themselves with vain repetitions of rituals and is discouraged from questioning any further than this false dilemma of works vs beliefs and discourages those from seeking wisdom as they misinterpret wisdom as creationism/being and ignorance as atheism/non-being, another false dilemma. Read and re-read the Parmenides until you get how both being and un/nonbeing are fundamentally unreal. You Christians, especially "Messianics" hate the works of Platonists and more importantly the Neoplatonists as well as Advaita Vedanta/Sanatana Dharma.